Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall into Manly Monday

Fall is here, Halloween, pumpkin pie, leaves changing colors, and my birthday, but we won't think about that now.

So our lazy, hazy days of Summer are over. Autumn days filled with crisp air interchanged with days of rain and falling leaves are here to stay. And as much as I love Summer, how can anyone complain about Fall if you're to find this rolling with leaves.

Fortunately, or maybe not, my yard doesn't have big trees and the trees in there have small leaves. In some 10 years we're yet to rake them. Until I found these pictures I thought it good, now I'm not so sure...

So if you'd rather roll with him and not go to work, I don't blame you. I would too.

Here's another one to brighten your day, they say color green is good for you and wakes up your eyes. I hope they are right.

Did it work? If not, keep staring, your eyes will adjust. 

Come back next Monday to see what treasures I'll come up with during this Fall season. I hope to find many good ones. 

Happy first Monday of Fall 2013! See you soon. 


  1. OH! MY! GOODNESS! These beautiful colored leaves just took my breath away!

  2. I had to go back and read what you wrote. I love fall.
